It is not just that international law, which surely applies in this case, is less generous towards targeted assassination. There are questions to be asked even under American law.
This is a pressing issue for small island states, but in the case of physical disappearance there is a void in international law.
I once said last year that this arbitration might become a notorious case in the history of the international law.
Especially from the case of international consumer contract, practice and related questions of the jurisdiction and the application of law of international consumer protection.
In the last 30 years in Great Britain, a country sticking to the tradition of case law, the statute of international private law has increasingly substituted for the case law.
French court's law application process in Forge's inheritance case is called renvoi in private international law theory.
China's claim and position in the arbitration case are consistent with the basic spirit of international law, as well as state practice in international relations.
The fair principle is the general principle of the international law, while the equidistant medium line principle is the special case of the fair principle.
We may, however, suspect that the positivist is reshaping definitions in order to exclude the international-law case, rather than to arrive at a general definition of law.
International Water Law Project(IWLP) website provides international water law and policy relevant information, especially treaties, literature, news and events, case law, website links.
International Water Law Project(IWLP) website provides international water law and policy relevant information, especially treaties, literature, news and events, case law, website links.