If not supported by Global Fund health programs, some of the most vulnerable populations in the world will feel double or triple the impact of this international economic crisis.
International Labor Organization economists say some nations have come up with policies to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis.
Banking crisis of the sort that affect a large part of the world, slowing global economic growth, freezing finance and crimping international trade, are mercifully rare.
But the global economic crisis has changed the logic of international relations.
The old international economic order was struggling to keep up with change before the crisis.
But as he sat down with Britain's Gordon Brown, Mr. Obama stressed the international nature of the economic crisis.
Anyone who keeps track of the international news must have known that Ireland is at present facing a severe economic crisis.
The international financial crisis could deepen, with a more damaging impact on global economic growth and capital inflows to Indonesia than we currently expect.
The international financial crisis is not over yet and the foundation for economic recovery is still weak.
We have actively participated in the G20 process, and will continue to encourage it to move from a crisis responding mechanism to a platform for international economic governance.
中国将继续积极参加G20峰会进程,引导G 20机制加快从金融危机应对机制向国际经济治理平台转化。
Over the past year, in order to cope with the international financial crisis and severe economic recession, countries have generally adopted a stable financial and stimulate the economy.
The international economic and financial situation is extremely complicated and full of uncertainties, and the recession worldwide triggered by the financial crisis will not come to an end soon.
The international financial crisis has entered its fourth year, and the current global economic and financial scene still gives no reason for optimism.
The international financial crisis is still ongoing, and in particular job recovery in many countries lag far behind their economic recovery.
Although influenced by international financial crisis, Ningbo still presents a trend of rapid economic growth in 2009.
The underlying impact of the international financial crisis has yet to dissipate, and economic recovery is still fragile and uneven.
How to carry out effective international collaboration, jointly cope with the economic crisis on the impact of the global economy.
Membership of the international finance club has dwindled from 200 to 130 under the impact of economic crisis.
These initiatives for countries in transition to get rid of the impact of the international financial crisis, especially after the financial crisis to restore economic growth, played a crucial role.
The International Monetary Fund has announced it's increasing the support it gives to poorer countries to help them deal with the global economic crisis.
The crisis thus provides strong fresh impetus for empirically revisiting the relationship between international capital flows and economic growth.
International online coverage (Wang's) : by the global financial crisis, this year, the sustained economic recession in Romania.
Instead, monopoly of the international credit rating market increases the economic crisis.
GENEVA (ILO News) - the financial and economic crisis has cut global wage growth by half in 2008 and 2009, says a new report by the International Labour Office (ILO).
Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, some countries have taken a QE policy, which was necessary to forestall an economic recession.
Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, some countries have taken a QE policy, which was necessary to forestall an economic recession.