Mexico is working hard to overcome the impact of international financial crisis on its economy.
We pay close attention to the impact of the international financial crisis on the global economy — the media industry in particular.
The recent joint response by various countries has reduced the severe impact of the international financial crisis and prevented a serious recession that might have otherwise occurred.
He expressed appreciation on China's efforts to expand domestic demand and maintain the stability of the RMB against the impact of the international financial crisis.
The international financial crisis could deepen, with a more damaging impact on global economic growth and capital inflows to Indonesia than we currently expect.
What lessons do you think can be drawn from the 2008 international financial crisis? What effective measures did China adopt to counter the impact of the crisis?
As university graduates has increased every year, as well as by the international financial crisis and impact of China's college graduates face unprecedented pressures and challenges.
At the same time, the negative impact of international financial crisis still exists, and there is still a long way to go for the global economy to recover.
The impact of international financial crisis, the regulatory region of enterprise order decreases quickly, the grim situation.
The underlying impact of the international financial crisis has yet to dissipate, and economic recovery is still fragile and uneven.
The second part of this detailed information and data through the introduction of the financial crisis on the United States and the international community impact.
In addition, some of the international instability factors, such as "9.11" incident, international terrorist attacks, SARS events and the financial crisis, cause impact to international tourism.
Upon the outbreak of the financial crisis, the global economy into crisis soon became the great vortex of the United States and the international community has brought a huge impact.
These initiatives for countries in transition to get rid of the impact of the international financial crisis, especially after the financial crisis to restore economic growth, played a crucial role.
The impact of the international financial crisis to China is relatively small except in export sector.
Outbreak of the financial crisis has a very negative impact on personnel dealt with financial service and international trade, as well as for ordinary families.
Since the second half of 2008, the international financial crisis intensified, agriculture has been the impact of the rural economy continues to deepen.
The impact of the U. S. sub-prime mortgage crisis is expanding, the value of the dollar is continuing to fall, and there is greater risk in international financial markets.
Because of the impact of the international financial crisis, China saw its imports from Africa dropped in 2009, but import of agricultural products increased by 25%.
Because of the impact of the international financial crisis, China saw its imports from Africa dropped in 2009, but import of agricultural products increased by 25%.