If the disease is lethal, frightening, or spreading in an explosive way, there will always be international repercussions.
The result of the foreign students administration concerns not only the city image and the nation image, but also external relations and international repercussions.
As the international repercussions of traditional Chinese medicine were expanded day by day, a lot of countries have stepped up the research and development to traditional Chinese medicine.
ISO14000 environmental management system standards in its broad meaning and general applicability, in international caused great repercussions.
ISO 14000环境管理体系系列标准以其广泛的内涵和普遍的适用性,在国际上引起了极大的反响。
And even though the international financial crisis had its origins beyond Europe, the EMU has greatly increased the vulnerability of some member states to its repercussions.
Hazy poetry, a trend of modernism poetry arising in the late 1970s and early 1980s, has exerted great repercussions in domestic and international poetry circles.
Hazy poetry, a trend of modernism poetry arising in the late 1970s and early 1980s, has exerted great repercussions in domestic and international poetry circles.