Financial market analysts consider the monthly Treasury International Capital data to be a significant but imprecise gauge of how easily the U.S. can finance its trade deficit.
The bonanza has the potential to end Australia's long-term current account deficit and push the country's international trade balance into surplus.
However, due to a huge deficit in international trade of EU, it considers the reason is that China's dumping activities have done severe damage to domestic industries and firms.
To further expand the export of agricultural products, reducing the trade deficit, we need to enhance international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products.
However, as the prices of international raw materials increase, the trade deficit between China and Australia increased, and China's terms of trade has shown signs of deterioration.
In the 1980s Americans faced the problem of an overvalued dollar, which priced many U. S. goods out of international and domestic markets, and widened the U. S. trade deficit.
In the 1980s Americans faced the problem of an overvalued dollar, which priced many U. S. goods out of international and domestic markets, and widened the U. S. trade deficit.