On International Youth Day, I urge others to join this global push for progress.
The report, published to coincide with International youth Day, also warns global youth unemployment has reached a record high.
"Change Our World" is more than the theme of this year's International Youth Day; it is an injunction that should inspire young people at all times.
Change Our World "is more than the theme of this year's International Youth Day; it is an injunction that should inspire young people at all times."
This year's commemoration of International Youth Day also marks the launch of the International year of Youth, under the theme "Dialogue and Mutual Understanding".
This Day marks the end of the International Year of Youth, a milestone in global advocacy by and for the world's young people.
The theme for this year's International Day of Cooperatives, "Youth, the Future of Cooperatives", highlights the enormous value of engaging the energy and drive of young people.
We estimate that 152 million youth were classified as working poor in 2008 and that is based on the standard international $1.25 per day poverty line.
We estimate that 152 million youth were classified as working poor in 2008 and that is based on the standard international $1.25 per day poverty line.