Funding for laboratories has become increasingly competitive: those judged to be "internationally excellent" are penalised in favour of the "world-leading".
UESTC attaches great importance to talents work, and has introduced and trained quite a number of excellent scholars internationally renowned in their research areas.
The S-32 built-in speakers were targeted to have internationally accepted sound reproduction that is excellent for music with a powerful bass response.
的S -32内置在发言者针对有国际公认的健全的再生产是优秀的音乐与一个强大的低音响应。
Nottingham's excellent reputation for teaching and research is internationally recognised and was boosted in 2003 by the award of two Nobel Prizes for Economics and for Medicine.
Nottingham's excellent reputation for teaching and research is internationally recognised and was boosted in 2003 by the award of two Nobel Prizes for Economics and for Medicine.