For many users accessing the Internet from a dial-up Internet service provider (ISP), the IP address will be different every time you log on.
I became a wireless Internet service provider because my neighborhood had no DSL or cable Internet service.
At first, consumers reached the Internet through a call over a telephone line to an internet-service provider.
This unique feature enables an ISP (Internet Service Provider) to provide IP-TV portals using different Internet addresses for its cable users versus its xDSL users.
这个独特的功能允许Internet服务提供商(Internet Service Provider, ISP)为其有线用户和xDSL用户使用不同的Internet地址提供IP - tv门户。
Internet service provider (ISP) : Company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations.
Internet Service Provider includes Internet Access Provider and Internet Content Provider.
Millions of computers were connecting to Internet globally. Many countries are involving into exchanging data, news and opinions. Contrasted with Internet Service Provider (ISP).
The popularization for P2P technique has optimized the Internet experience; however, it brings big pressure to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for it overly consumes the network bandwidth.
P2 P技术的普及优化了用户的体验,但对带宽的过度消耗也带给网络运营商巨大的压力。
The popularization for P2P technique has optimized the Internet experience; however, it brings big pressure to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for it overly consumes the network bandwidth.
P2 P技术的普及优化了用户的体验,但对带宽的过度消耗也带给网络运营商巨大的压力。