Why standard interpreted languages?
This is a design trick that works with most interpreted languages.
In reality, many of the largest sites on the Internet use interpreted languages.
Or, in the case of interpreted languages, the debugger may interpret code directly.
Are there any interpreted languages in which you can dynamically modify the interpreter?
Interpreted languages always have an advantage over compiled languages because they can execute code at times that compiled languages can't.
Some examples include the Apache web server, database systems, such as mysql and postgresql, and interpreted languages, such as perl and python.
例如Apacheweb服务器、数据库系统(比如mysql和postgresql)以及解释语言(perl 和 python)。
Both languages borrow from the script concept of using interpreted language for simple tasks.
Such languages are often interpreted: the component implementation technically consists of an interpreter that is parameterized with the program it should run.
However, this often led to confusion because models expressed in such languages could be -- and often were -- interpreted differently by different individuals.
Many dynamically typed languages are interpreted, so you can see changes immediately after making them.
Many scripting languages and environments are available to the architect, each of which provides a flexible, usually interpreted, platform for quickly creating and executing code.
At one end of the spectrum, there are high-level, fully-interpreted scripting languages such as Tcl and the UNIX shells.
在领域的一端,是高级,全解释型的脚本语言例如Tcl和UNIX shell。
The languages tend to be interpreted rather than compiled, meaning the programs written in such languages aren't compiled before running, so tend to run slower as a result.
The languages tend to be interpreted rather than compiled, meaning the programs written in such languages aren't compiled before running, so tend to run slower as a result.