Snap two intersecting lines over the floor with your chalk snapline.
The centre of the city is full of tiny intersecting alley -ways.
A steel tubular intersecting joint is one of the main joints in steel tube structures.
As you approach the intersection, look left and right for traffic on the intersecting road.
This is a persuasive way that we can move forward as a world community that is intersecting.
Natural light is brought into the building section via openings in the intersecting spheres.
One of Antonio Lupi 's Dressed in Stone winners made up of intersecting glass and marble cubes.
Medical science is an intersecting subject of natural science, humanity science and philosophy.
Why is Pull so essential for a web company? The intersecting forces of human psychology and economics.
In English teaching, the modes of team cooperation learning include forming pairs, grouping, intersecting, etc.
The architects conceived a series of intersecting, cedar-clad boxes, with flat roofs landscaped with succulents.
She writes of publishers, illustrators, collaborators and all Dickens's intersecting circles of friends and family.
Gears on nonparallel, non-intersecting shafts also have pitch circles, but the rolling-pitch-circle concept is not valid.
The work that goes on at the Center for Educational Computing Innovations really falls into three Different intersecting areas.
Samples from Delphic spring water and rock from the intersecting faults revealed traces of several chemicals including ethylene.
And on the day of the equinox, the plane of Earth's equator is intersecting the ecliptic – or plane of Earth's orbit around the sun.
Samples from Delphic spring water and from rock from the intersecting faults revealed traces of several chemicals including ethylene.
The intersecting spheres are embedded in a rectangular plan topped by a sheet of water, pulling the ocean horizon into the composition.
Setting box to True and hover to False makes the control require drawing a box intersecting the line to delete it versus just hovering over it.
将 box 设为True,将 hover设为 False,这会让此控件绘制一个与此线交叉的框以删除它,而不是只在其上悬浮。
The intersecting corners of South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales are intensely green, indicating explosive plant growth during March.
Let's say you have two circles, and you want to fill only the non-intersecting sections of these circles. Listing 2 shows how you can do that.
The content of cells is created by intersecting items from the XML's data sets for rows and columns. Only cells that have data are part of the XML.
So when my editors asked me to explain how TV and the Internet were intersecting, my first thought was to grab TiVo's peanut-shaped remote control.
The new permitted set is taken as a union of the file's permitted set and the result of intersecting the file's and process's inheritable sets.
Exploring NGC 346, astronomers have identified a population of embryonic stars strung along the dark, intersecting dust lanes visible here on the right.
The outcrop of the bed is then drawn through the intersecting contour points bearing in mind the closure directions anticipated from the rule of Vs.
What I love about the "African Mosaic" exhibition is the diversity of displayed objects and the intersecting themes addressed by African works of art.
The non-intersecting trails of the "agents" are eventually materialized into non-linear aluminum stripes, of length equivalent to the "agents"' lives.
This task has insufficiently intersecting task and resource calendars. The task's calendar or the calendar of the resources assigned to it should be changed.
This task has insufficiently intersecting task and resource calendars. The task's calendar or the calendar of the resources assigned to it should be changed.