It is a new method for solving the special point on the intersecting line by mathematic methods.
It have been one of difficult problem that pipe intersecting line NC cutting programming in pipe project.
The research is launched for studying the numerical control system of a kind of intersecting line cutting machine.
Applicable for all kinds of sophisticated intersecting line trace control, the control method is highly accurate a...
Applicable for all kinds of sophisticated intersecting line trace control, the control method is highly accurate and eas...
In order to reduce the labor intensity and to improve the welding quality, a new type of intersecting line welding robot is needed.
The drawn intersecting line is similar to the shape of its theoretical projection and can satisfy the requirement of engineering drawings.
It is proved that the intersecting line of the two curved surface is space curve, and the equation is quartic implicit function with one unknown.
By the solution of the model, a calculating formula of the local dihedral angel of intersecting line and a parametric equation of contacting line are given.
Numerical control system software design to VB6.0 to develop tools to complete the CNC system software interface design, and intersecting line cutting groove track compilation.
The intersecting of two conicoids is a frequent issue in the engineering components and their intersecting line in the engineering drafts are always drawn by means ofdiagrammatizing method.
Based on plenty of account data, engineering estimated formulas for plastic limit internal pressure were fitted for welded pipe branch junction with incomplete penetration along intersecting line.
This courseware is used for finding the position of the endpoint of two intersecting triangles and drawing the surfaces, the isometric projection of the intersecting line and three-plane projection.
Setting box to True and hover to False makes the control require drawing a box intersecting the line to delete it versus just hovering over it.
将 box 设为True,将 hover设为 False,这会让此控件绘制一个与此线交叉的框以删除它,而不是只在其上悬浮。
The method for manufacturing this surface-coated cutting insert includes: forming a cutting edge at the intersecting edge line region;
The roof's ridge line is obtained by intersecting roof planes, and the building's footprint is determined by analysis of roof points.
The method estimates intersecting point by means of optical axis public vertical line of two different planes in space.
One closed contour line was received after one intersecting. This arithmetic saved more time than the old arithmetic.
One closed contour line was received after one intersecting. This arithmetic saved more time than the old arithmetic.