An interval multi-objective optimization method was suggested based on non-linear interval analysis methods.
Based on interval mathematics and Taylor series expansion, the interval analysis method is used to deal with uncertainties.
An interval analysis method was proposed for the influence analysis of the model error to the computational results of natural frequency of structures.
Interval curves and interval surfaces are application and extension of interval analysis method in CAGD, which is important tool for error analysis in numerical analysis field.
The uncertain property of the measured data is considered and the interval analysis method to solve the uncertain problems is induced in the present model. The interval of the…
An uncertain optimization method is suggested to solve the uncertain engine crankshaft problems based on the nonlinear interval number programming and the interval analysis method.
This method results in efficient computation, determines quantitative confidence interval of each parameter range and is applicable to error analysis in various nonlinear inversions.
This paper proposes a frequency spectrum analysis method and a fast algorithm on the interpolation signal with equal samples interval.
Based on interval mathematics, an interval method for sensitivity analysis of the structures was proposed.
With the classical sensitivity analysis method, this paper presents a analytical method which is based on the interval algorithm in the electrical network design.
A successive approximation solving procedure of interval model was put forward, and the non-probabilistic index expression and its analysis method of deep rock around roadway was formed.
Based on interval analysis and displacement finite element method, the static displacement response analysis of structure comes down to solve the interval finite element control equation.
Through the analysis and acquisition of the seismic interval velocity, This paper has comprehensively studied and evaluated fracture pressure prediction method for the typical formations.
The interval parameter perturbation method and the interval parameter back analysis method are studied, and the interval parameter monotony back analysis method is presented.
This paper takes a new interval method (interval factor method) to study static analysis problem of interval truss uncertain structure.
In this paper, with respect to ranking weights problem of interval Numbers reciprocal judgment matrices, a method is proposed based on error analysis.
Objective:The right statistic method had been applied to the analysis of normal reference interval of CBC in Chengdu.
Composite interval mapping method was employed in mapping and analysis QTL controlling heat tolerance and some important agronomical traits in Chinese cabbage.
Based on C4.5 analysis and research, this paper gives the method of continuous attributes dispersed, that merge interval based on information entropy.
An interval method was proposed for sensitivity analysis of operational effectiveness based on interval mathematics.
In this paper, the system analysis method is adopted to solve the time interval of precipitation delay recharge and the equation of the delay recharge weight coefficient.
This paper gives a general method of how to solve the maximum and minimum of the continuous derivatived functions in open interval by a detailed analysis.
本文通过对开区间内连续可导函数的详细分析讨论,给出了一种求开区间上连续可导函数最 大值和最小值的普遍方法。
The common frequency histogram method is not applicable to analyze the small sample data, because it is sensitive to the analysis parameters such as the starting point and the interval step.
A new method, the sampling interval stat. analysis method, was set up to analyze the non-uniformly sampling signal of the wide-sense stationary random processes.
From interval arithmetic, an analytical method of interval finite element of uncertain structure is presented by combining interval analysis with the finite element method.
Out of the above-mentioned situation, a new method-non-probabilistic reliability measurement and analysis method based on interval model is proposed.
The structural reliability theories of probabilistic and the non probabilistic method based on interval analysis were briefly introduced.
Considering the uncertainties involved in model updating, an FEM updating method using fuzzy interval analysis is proposed.
A method by means of neural networks for interval regression analysis hasbeen proposed on the assumption that the given training data are totally "good data".
A method by means of neural networks for interval regression analysis hasbeen proposed on the assumption that the given training data are totally "good data".