A new iterative learning control (ILC) updating law is proposed for the tracking control of continuous linear system over a finite time interval.
If a system can transfer toward arbitrary desired state from the arbitrary initial state within a finite time interval under the governing of the control action, then it has controllability.
It is mainly composed of DMA controller (82c37), interrupt controller (82c59), programmable interval timers (82c54), DRAM refresh control, wait state generator and system reset logic.
To solve the uncertain control problem of system, the uncertain parameters were described by the interval model, and the uncertain control problem was approximated by a deterministic.
The essence of the affairs is the absence of corresponding theory and theoretical instructions. Based on the brief analyses of the theory on velocity interval control of automatic block system with m…
本文在简要分析多信息自动闭塞系统速度 -间隔理论的基础上 ,建立了列车速度 -间隔控制方案的优化模型 ,介绍了模型的求解和实用算法的构造并给出了算例。
The idea of ILC is to gradually revise imperfect control input using the error between system output and the desired trajectory and realize perfect tracking in a finite time interval.
The idea of ILC is to gradually revise imperfect control input using the error between system output and the desired trajectory and realize perfect tracking in a finite time interval.