The health utility value belongs to interval scale of cardinal scales.
The values on an interval scale can be added and subtracted, but can not be meaningfully multiplied or divided.
Interval - an interval scale is a scale of measurement in which the distance between any two adjacent units of measurement (also known as intervals) is the same, but the zero point is arbitrary.
To understand Akerlof's insight, suppose that the quality of used cars lies on a 0 to 1 scale and that the population of used cars is uniformly distributed on the interval from 0 to 1.
为了理解阿克尔·洛夫的理论,假设二手车的质量区间为0 -1,同时二手车的质量在0 - 1之间均匀分布。
It shows that the supply chain can be coordinated by selecting a proper reward and punishment factor and the least sales scale being restricted within a certain interval.
While impulse forces not acting on the centroid, the influence of accessional attack Angle oscillation amplitude, impulse force scale and function time interval on range correction was discussed.
A question of formation confidence interval for scale parameter of normal distribution from incomplete observational data is discussed.
In this paper, we present a fuzzy linguistic scale for the comparison between two alternatives and give its corresponding representation of interval Numbers.
Making use of two order statistics to construct a sample fonction for confidence interval estimation of the scale parameter, the probability density function of the sample function is discussed.
The desired values of the scale and color variables are defined within the 5 seconds interval of the keyframe.
A section on a log print that gives the scales of the curves displayed and the depth scale. There usually is an insert at the beginning and end of each interval surveyed.
The problem of the key spare-roll vendor selection for the large-scale iron-steel enterprise is studied based on the interval numbers analytic hierarchy process.
The longer the time interval of the magmatic activities is, the larger the spatial scale of them will be, and the amount and...
This celebration is the first scale in an interval of a century to come where we shall rejoice, summarize, reflect and anticipate.
十年庆典,仅仅是乐团百年基业的第一个刻度,纪念,庆祝,总结,反思,正是 缘于对美好未来的更多憧憬和高远的展望。
Then, determination method of fractal parameters and scale-invariant interval is given and influence of transform order on the estimation of fractal parameters is also discussed.
Orienteering Map, Scale 1:2000, Vertical Interval 5m.
野外定向地图,比例1:20 00,等高线间距5米。
Orienteering Map, Scale 1:2000, Vertical Interval 5m.
野外定向地图,比例1:20 00,等高线间距5米。