I guess I should look into the food-prep, then, I'll tell the kitchen manager that you will stop by tomorrow to talk about the job and schedule your hours.
But in the end, the real value of a prep school education is more than just getting into Harvard.
After all the prep work that goes into making a Debian package, the actual package creation is somewhat anticlimactic.
Runs the % prep section to unpack the source code into a temporary directory.
This list, while arbitrary, reflects the fact that many parents send their kids to prep school specifically so they can get into the most prestigious universities.
When Jeremy Bird, the official state director, parachuted into Maryland to prep for the Potomac primary on February 12, he was astonished to find a whole field operation at work.
With Race to the Top the bad news has gotten worse, with a relentless regimen that turns schools into test prep courses.
Tens of thousands of foreign students. International students in the prep after reading the corresponding professional study into corresponding university.
上万名外国留学生。留学生在读完预科后即升入相应大学的相应专业学习。 翩。
In the U. S. most students from other countries have to study at prep schools for a half year before moving into college.
In the U. S. most students from other countries have to study at prep schools for a half year before moving into college.