The ultramafic intrusive complex is composed of dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbro and their metamorphic products.
The Beiyu trondhjemite, together with felsite porphyry and gabbro, forms an intrusive complex extending S-N in the western part of the Zhongtiao rift.
北峪奥长花岗岩 (体 )位于中条裂谷的西部 ,和霏细斑岩及辉长岩组成侵入杂岩体 ,呈南北向展布。
Fractional crystallization and assimilation constrain lithological composition and fraction, and play a key role in the formation of intrusive complex.
Thermochronological dating is used to study the thermal history of Wangxiang intrusive complex and analyze the uplift process of Jiuling-Mufushan range.
Mesozoic intrusive complex in central eastern North China Block (NCB) is mainly composed of two sets of rock associations such as appinite and granodiorite.
Belgian Beer Ambassador and Master Beer Sommelier Mark Stroobandt, said: "All three varieties are complex in flavour but are well balanced so the alcohol is not intrusive.
Fanshan intrusive body is a complex body of meta-alkaline ultramafic rock-syenite. It hosts the biggest magmatic apatite deposit in north China.
The Fanshan complex is made up of three phases of intrusive and dike rocks of which the first phase of intrusive rock developed the deposit, perhaps owing to more REE volume than the other phases.
矾山杂岩体由三期侵入岩和脉岩组成 ,矿床产于第一期侵入岩中。第一期侵入岩较其它期次侵入岩REE含量高 ,按辉石岩—黑云母辉石岩—磷灰石岩的顺序增加。
In the area of Zhoukoudian, Beijing, there is a metamorphic complex compo-sed of gneiss, amphibolite migmatites and mylonites, along with the Fangshan intrusive body.
In the area of Zhoukoudian, Beijing, there is a metamorphic complex compo-sed of gneiss, amphibolite migmatites and mylonites, along with the Fangshan intrusive body.