What can be done about invasive alien species?
One classic example is the Golden Apple snail - now cited as one of the most devastating invasive alien species.
MacKinnon says one of the most disturbing features of the problem of invasive alien species is that they are on the rise globally.
In Yellow River Delta, the biological and ecological characteristics of an invasive alien species spartina were investigated.
Invasive alien species caused significant damage to natural ecosystem, agricultural production and human health throughout the world.
The increase is already taking shape with the appointment in 2005 of a scientific staff officer dealing with Invasive Alien Species of plants.
China is threatened by more than 400 invasive alien species, which has caused billions of yuan of economic losses, an agricultural official said Monday.
"Invasive alien species are non native species which are accidentally or intentionally introduced into new areas. They range from microbes to mammals," Dr MacKinnon says.
Multiple factors have contributed to the demise, including logging, agricultural land conversion, over-exploitation, population growth, pollution and the impact of invasive alien species.
Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States—out of a total of 150,000 species—only about 10% are invasive.
Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States—out of a total of 150,000 species—only about 10 percent are invasive.
In fire-sensitive ecosystems, uncontrolled burning often encourages the spread of alien invasive species.
We expect to give some advice on the prevention and control of the alien invasive species.
Alien invasive plant is one that is introduced from original ecosystems to new ones by nature force or human activity, which endangers the new environment or native plant species.
The proportion of alien invasive species originating from the tropic zone was close to that from temperate regions. The proportion of alien invasive plants caused by intentional introduction was 39%.
The species number and distribution status of alien invasive plants in Banwangling national nature reserve in Hainan Province was investigated and analyzed by the field survey.
We have found that alien invasive species' DNA sequences are nonrandom, and the signatures are specific: the closer the species are, the more similar the signatures will be.
When alien invasive species arrived in a new environment, it spread very quickly, and eventually it is difficult to control.
Recently this alien invasive species has been introduced in China and threatened the agricultural production.
The key principle of international environment law is to prevent the risks and harms before the alien invasive species bring. The implementing regimes will help people …
The key principle of international environment law is to prevent the risks and harms before the alien invasive species bring. The implementing regimes will help people …