This is an example of using the Inversion of Control (IOC) pattern for configuration and is a natural fit with aspects.
IOC (inversion of control) is a key strategy for reducing coupling.
The Seam framework far outclasses JSF's basic inversion of control (IOC) container in terms of functionality.
在功能方面,Seam框架远胜于JSF的基本控制反转 (IOC)容器。
The latter is an implementation of the well-known inversion of control (IOC) pattern and can be used to tie in delegate objects.
后者是著名的控制反转(inversion of control,IOC)模式的一种实现,可用于连接委托对象。
It USES Inversion of Control (IoC) to externalize the creation and management of component dependencies.
它使用Inversion of Control (IoC)具体化组件依赖关系的创建和管理。
Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI) are patterns that draw a lot of attention (see Resources).
These types of frameworks are usually referred to as dependency injection or Inversion of Control (IoC) architectures.
这种类型的框架通常称为依赖注入或者Inversion of Control (IoC)架构。
Spring can help you solve this problem by providing an Inversion of Control (IoC) infrastructure, allowing you to inject connection management implementation in dependant code.
Spring可以帮助您解决这个问题,它提供了反向控制(Inversion of Control,IoC)基础设施,允许在依赖代码中注入连接管理实现。
What really makes the architecture special is its heavy internal use of a concept called Inversion of Control (IOC).
真正使 Geronimo 的体系结构与众不同的是,其在内部使用了大量的称为控制反转(Inversion of Control,IOC)的概念。
In this two-part article series, I discuss the concepts of di (also known as Inversion of Control, or IoC), then demonstrate how it's implemented in Apache Geronimo.
In the previous installment of this series, I introduced the seven modules of the Spring framework, including Spring AOP and the inversion of control (IOC) container.
Geronimo is designed around an architecture that USES Inversion of Control (IoC) techniques to decouple services and components to a high degree.
Geronimo是围绕使用反转控制(Inversion of Control,IoC)技术高度解耦服务和组件的架构设计的。
Geronimo is based on an architecture that USES Inversion of Control (IoC) techniques to decouple components and services.
Geronimo基于使用控制反转(Inversion of Control,IoC)技术将组件与服务解耦的架构。
The BeanFactory applies the Inversion of Control (IOC) pattern to separate an application's configuration and dependency specification from the actual application code.
BeanFactory 使用控制反转 (IOC)模式将应用程序的配置和依赖性规范与实际的应用程序代码分开。
Using inversion-of-control (IOC) beans that are secured by Acegi directly in JSF tags
使用直接由Acegi在JSF标签中保护的 反转控制(IOC)bean
NET MVC framework also supports the use of Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IOC) container models.
NET MVC framework also supports the use of Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IOC) container models.