Although money-market funds had enough fresh investment to fill this gap, they chose to put most of their new money into safer government bills.
But many of the companies at the centre of the 2008 crisis were not Banks; the cast included investment Banks (Bear Stearns and Lehman), an insurer (AIG) and money-market funds.
Both companies burned through investment funds by subsidizing drivers and prices in an effort to capture more of the market.
The growth of dedicated emerging market funds has been accompanied by an improvement in the knowledge of portfolio managers and the professionalism of investment decisions.
The study on security selecting ability and market timing ability of the investment funds.
Since the performance persistence is the result of the inefficiency of the market, investors can improve the investment yields or reduce risk by choosing good (funds. )
For worrying about supervision storm caused by tainted milk launched in the whole food industry, market funds suspended investment to liquor industry.
In addition, the study found that mutual funds' investment impacts on market and stock volatility are not significant, which is different from other people's previous research.
In addition, the study found that mutual funds' investment impacts on market and stock volatility are not significant, which is different from other people's previous research.