In 2009, I received an invitation to speak on behalf of the guests. It was a distinct honour.
Thank you again for the invitation to speak this evening, and for your warm hospitality here in Shanghai.
As a professor of philosophy I don't know much about movies so I was silly to accept an invitation to speak on American films as an art form last week.
He broke his silence after accepting a friend's invitation to speak at the weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club, a US-based global voluntary organisation.
For example, if you send me an invitation to speak at a conference and I ask what the topic is, you might reply with just the topic, snipping out all the details of the conference.
It is my great pleasure and privilege to visit Cambridge at the invitation of the Vice Chancellor and to speak at the Judge Business School.
I gonna want to thank to everyone in the Princeton's staff for the invitation to come to a speak.
Two nights before Ms. Jones was to speak at Montclair, he called to cancel her invitation.
Two nights before Ms. Jones was to speak at Montclair, he called to cancel her invitation.