In the request flow, wire the send operation in the export (represented by the request node) to the send operation in the import (represented by the Invoke node), as shown in Figure 21.
When the node agent is unavailable, administrators are unable to invoke any operations for that node.
Change the GetRecommendedBooks node to an Invoke activity, and fill the details in properties.
Assume you have a single message flow with a Transformation Extender node. This message flow needs to invoke different Transformation Extender maps based on message content.
假设您有一个带有TransformationExtender节点的消息流,消息流必须根据消息内容调用不同的Transformation Extender映射。
Place a HTTPRequest node that will invoke the sample backend RESTful service.
放置一个将调用样例后台REST 式服务的HTTPRequest节点。
In Visual Studio 2003, when a CLR application is open in the Solutions Explorer, you can invoke the CLR stored procedure wizard from the procedures node in the IBM Explorer.
在VisualStudio 2003中,在SolutionsExplorer中打开CLR应用程序时,可以从ibm Explorer中的过程节点调用CLR存储过程向导。
One thing to be careful of is that you need to invoke the addNode command under the bin directory of the node profile, like
You can also select an XSL Transformation node in a mediation flow and right-click to invoke the Test XML Map action as well.
The business process can invoke the rule set as its decision service node via various bindings.
Next, you invoke CAS and copy the new node to the top location.
接下来,调用CAS 内置函数,把新的节点复制到top 位置。
Next, you invoke CAS and copy the new node to the top location.
接下来,调用CAS 内置函数,把新的节点复制到top 位置。