Note: This message is written when the stored procedure is invoked, not at COMMIT time.
This startup stored procedure is invoked when you run or debug the DB2 database project.
当您运行或调试DB 2数据库项目时,就调用该启动存储过程。
It is highly recommended that this parameter be set to NO when developing stored procedures, so that a developer will always get a fresh copy of the stored procedure when invoked.
When a stored procedure is invoked, the actual values in the transition table are not passed to the stored procedure. A single value is passed instead.
A procedure with a table parameter can only be invoked from the triggered action of a trigger.
Mining is invoked by a stored procedure call and creates an XML mining model in the database.
可以通过一个存储过程调用来调用数据挖掘,数据挖掘将在数据库中创建一个XML 挖掘模型。
The procedure can be invoked to perform the merge.
Association rule mining is invoked by calling a stored procedure as all other mining operations in InfoSphere Warehouse.
对关联规则挖掘的调用是通过调用一个存储过程完成的,与InfoSphere Warehouse内的所有其他挖掘操作无异。
If the stored procedure does not include any OUT parameters, it can also be invoked using CALL in a tool that executes dynamic SQL statements, such as the ij tool.
If the stored procedure includes any OUT parameters, it needs to be invoked from a client application using the CallableStatement interface.
The generated table functions only report the monitor elements that were present in the DB2MonCommon.xsd file at the time that the GENERATE_MON_UDFS procedure was invoked.
在调用 GENERATE_MON_UDFS过程时,已生成的表函数只报告出现在DB2MonCommon.xsd文件中的监控器元素。
The procedure is invoked with an incorrect number of agruments.
This table is owned by the user ID that invoked the procedure.
A block, with or without form al parameters, the execution of which is invoked by means of a procedure call.
The procedure can then later be invoked by means of the delegate instance.
The physical random acceSS procedure described below is invoked whenever a higher layer reqUEsts transmission of a meSSage on the RACH.
The physical random acceSS procedure described below is invoked whenever a higher layer reqUEsts transmission of a meSSage on the RACH.