This service is used by the next higher level protocol: the Internet protocol (IP).
This is called your computer's "IP address." (IP stands for "Internet protocol.")
Recall that the Internet protocol (IP) is the core network layer protocol that sits below the transport protocol (most commonly the Transmission Control protocol, or TCP).
回想一下,Internet Protocol (IP)是传输协议(通常称为传输控制协议或TCP)下面的核心网络层协议。
The result was a suite of internetworking protocols known as TCP/IP (after the first two protocols defined by the standard, Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol).
Every location on the internet-every web site, every user-has associated with it a specific address, called an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
In retrospect the tipoff to the bank that something was awry was that the hackers used an Internet protocol, or IP, address that the Shames-Yeakels had never used before.
The second element of Internet governance has to do with the Internet protocol addresses, or so-called IP numbers.
IP is short for Internet Protocol, which assigns an address for each Internet users, just like every mobile user is identified by a number.
This enables him to encrypt data he sends over the network and protect the identity of his own Internet protocol (IP) address.
The IP layer, in turn, provides services used by the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
The Internet Protocol defines an IP address as a 32-bit number.
The old fixed-line network is being torn up and replaced with a system using only internet-protocol (IP) technology, which is cheaper and better at handling voice, data and images.
Internet Protocol (IP) provides a host-to-host packet — or datagram — delivery service.
For a computer or any other device to be part of the Internet, it needs a unique identifier-currently a long number called an internet-protocol (IP) address.
This is because licensed databases are often restricted to a particular location by Internet Protocol (IP) ranges like the library building or university campuses.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is an integral part of IP, but it USES some of IP's services.
IP is the most basic protocol: all Internet servers must use IP to receive or send grouped data.
IP是最基本的协议- - - - - -所有的因特网服务器必须使用IP来接收或发送成组数据。
With the explosive growth of Internet services, the data traffic will reach and exceed voice traffic and IP will become the leading protocol in data communications.
It is TCP/IP protocol family defects that cause some ulterior persons to make up numerous attacks on Internet.
The first type of network scanning you should use is one that finds and locates the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in use on the network.
The networks which emerged from this research became the basis for what we know as the Internet, and the protocols developed during this time became known as the TCP/IP Protocol Suite.
IP address an Internet Protocol (IP) address conforming to the Ipv6 standard which is a numerical label assigned to devices participating in a computer network that USES the Internet Protocol.
Ip地址互联网协议(Ip)地址遵循Ipv 6标准,是分配给参与使用互联网协议的计算机网络的数字标签。
As defined in Wikipedia, the Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP).
Internet Protocol (IP) convergence is often used to refer to the moving of all various network types onto IP.
TCP/IP is a practical and popular protocol, which can help us to effectively transmit data to client through INTERNET.
The rapid development and the gradual integration of Internet technology and mobile communication technology has made it a consensus that IP protocol will become the uniform network platform.
Thus, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) established the Mobile IP for the mobile IP protocol.
With the rise of the Internet, TCP / IP protocol used cluster, the endless variety of applications, the traditional fixed network, mobile network and the Internet more and more closely linked.
An IP camera (also called 'network camera') is a networked digital video camera that transmits data over Internet Protocol.
IP datagram embodies the mechanism of Internet protocol in IP layer.