IRL can also affect the bank's ability of screening.
People use "IRL" online as an abbreviation for "in real life."
Virtual methods, which are defined in IRL code, provide the decoration.
IRL will cause the interest rate risk and the liquid risk to the bank.
He finally realized that he had already found his dream irl, and she was... the Vancouver girl all along!
The idea of linking ethanol and the IndyCar Racing League (IRL) came from Paul Dana, a driver who died a year ago while practising for a race.
把酒精燃料和印地大赛(IRL)结合起来的想法来自两年前在训练中逝世的车手Paul Dana。
In 2010, IRL is obsolete, because we all realize by now that when we communicate with each other online it's just as real as when we do it in print or even face-to-face.
In 2010, IRL is obsolete, because we all realize by now that when we communicate with each other online it's just as real as when we do it in print or even face-to-face.