A description is given of the tests for imitating the accelerating flow in the pipeline transport of Jian Shan iron ore concentrate slurries.
Based on the process mineralogy research on improving iron concentrate grade and recovery, reduce the phosphorus content in iron ore concentrate is proposed.
The invention relates to a one-arm telpher at the top of an agitator bath, which serves as a conveying device for an iron ore concentrate pulp agitator bath.
With the growth of the steel product, in addition to the locally produced iron ore concentrate, Baogang also uses the out-purchased iron ore concentrate as an addition.
Since Jiuquan iron ore concentrate has particularly chemical, mineralogical and sintering characters, the productivity of sinter made of, that concentrate is quite low.
Using sponge iron reduced by iron ore concentrate powder as raw material, the smelting process of pure iron is investigated through non vacuum induction furnace and vacuum induction furnace.
The experimental study on the re-grinding of primary concentrate has been conducted through the investigation and analysis on the process to recover iron concentrate from tailings of ore dressing.
In this dissertation the technology and fundamentals of pressure leaching of high iron-zinc sulphide concentrate and polymetallic sulphide ore are studied systematically.
Especially, the operation of industrial scale piping for iron concentrate marked that China's pipe transportation of ore pulp had come into the practical application stage.
The invention relates to a method for the comprehensive utilization of fly ash and slag, in particular to a method for extracting the iron concentrate ore from the fly ash or the slag.
本发明涉及一种粉煤灰和炉渣的综合性利用的方法,特别是涉及一种从 粉煤灰或炉渣中提取铁精矿砂的方法。
Vanadium and titanium iron concentrate is one kind of iron, vanadium, titanium multiple-element symbiotic composite ore, has extremely high comprehensive utilization value.
The advantages of iron ore-coal pellets covered with iron-concentrate shell are discussed.
In this dissertation the technology and fundamentals of pressure leaching of high iron-zinc sulphide concentrate and polymetallic sulphide ore are studied systematically.
The sulphur content of final iron concentrate can be decreased to less than 0.5% by using copper sulfate and sodium fluosilicate as activator of pyrrhotite contained in iron ore.
Owing to ore properties and other causes the quality of iron concentrate was not up to the standard and the enterprise Suffered heavy economic losses after concentrator put into operation.
Output to bitumen, chrome ore, nickel, iron ore, copper concentrate, tobacco, fruit-based;
Oxidized copper ore from the Tonglushan copper iron Mine, low in copper grade and abundant in mud and alkali gangue, is difficult to concentrate.
This paper studied the sinter pot test of adding Robe River Ore to Ji - dong Concentrate under the sintering-operating condition of Tangshan Iron and Steel Company.
The upper layer suspension is the tailings containing higher iron content, the bottom layer flocculate is the kaolin concentrate ore containing lower iron content.
The concentrate from a Yunan high sulfur iron ore has a sulfur content that exceeds that specified in the standard due to the pyrrhotite.
The concentrate from a Yunan high sulfur iron ore has a sulfur content that exceeds that specified in the standard due to the pyrrhotite.