It is made of Magnesium and Iron Silicate, and it is a member of the Chrysolite mineral family.
Under deliberate oxygen potentials the thermodynamical equilibria in the system iron silicate slag-white metal-copper are investigated.
Olivine is a magnesium iron silicate that exists throughout the universe — in distant galaxies and local comets — as well as in earthly jewelry stores, in a pristine, gem-quality form called peridot.
Chondrules and inclusions in Allende are held together by the chondrite matrix, a mixture of fine-grained, mostly silicate minerals that also includes grains of iron metal and iron sulfide.
Iron nickel and silicate mineral content is quite (30% ~ 65%).
铁镍和硅酸盐矿物含量相当(30% ~ 65%)。
According to the analysis about the Shanghai Institute of Silicate facies showed purple Wong belongs kaolin - quartz - mica type, high iron content, the highest iron amounted to 8.83%.
A novel magnetorheological fluid was prepared with nanometer lithium magnesium silicate, carbonyl iron particle, silicon oil and so on.
The cobalt (nickel and iron) oxide, and cobalt silicate in the slag are from the arsenic elimination of cobalt compounds by completely oxidization and consequently slagging process.
Phosphate, silicate, iron or nitrate can be limiting factor in the process of phytoplankton growing.
The selective depression of ammonium fluorosilicate on aegirite, an iron-containing silicate gangue mineral, in hematite flotation using sodium oleate collector was investigated.
The results of composition analyses show that Ningcun china stone is mainly composed of quartz, sericite and feldspar; iron is contained in silicate, sulphide, oxide and hydroxide minerals.
The feasibility of replacing iron powder with copper-mine tails in clinkering of silicate cement was discussed is the paper.
TMOS and sodium silicate led to iron-containing silicas with ordered two-dimensional hexagonal mesoporous structure, and vesicle mesostructure was obtained using TEOS as silica precursor.
Ilvaite is a rare mineral of calcium-iron-bearing silicate.
The process of production of a new high-molecule inorganic coagulant-compound aluminum-iron silica using calcium silicate as the main raw material is introduced.
介绍了一种以铝酸钙为主要原料的新型高分子无机混凝剂— 复合硅铝铁混凝剂的生产过程。
The separation of hematite from iron-bearing silicate minerals is a difficult problem to be solved in the practice of processing Bayan Obo ores of Baotou iron and Steel Campany.
In this paper, the temperature field of Sodium silicate sand cores of the machine tool's cast iron is measured.
In this paper, the temperature field of Sodium silicate sand cores of the machine tool's cast iron is measured.