You must not think that the affair is over now; it grows much worse.
Numerous studies have now found that when classroom material is made harder to absorb, pupils retain more of it over the long term, and understand it on a deeper level.
It's over ten years old and although it was fine when it was first introduced, it is just not good enough now.
It is time now to forget all that and salute the miraculous boy who will triumph over death as Dionysos did, becoming immortal through his art.
It HAS been a thrilling show, but now it is over.
Now that you've reflected on the past, realize that the past is over. It isn't happening anymore, except in your mind.
The study is now so well-known it has crossed over into popular culture.
It is over now, but the commentary is still on television, the jubilant scenes of a bouncing Spain smothered in confetti are still beaming around the world.
But now our sleep has fled and our dream is over, and it is no longer dawn.
"I am relieved and happy that the court process is over and that justice was served, but it is incredibly difficult now, just trying to find new work," she says.
Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.
No one is talking about Silverlight with any enthusiasm. The excitement is over, now it is just a promising replacement for Flash.
But for now, it is enough that the worst of the nightmare seems to be over.
"The center of the earth is literally a crystal," said Stephenson. Over time, it grew and now is no longer a single crystal but an aggregate of them.
The taxonomy of school refusal - from school phobia to truancy - is complicated, and it has changed over time. Experts now tend to break down the behaviors by motivation.
The moon is thought to have formed closer to the Earth than it is now and spun faster, slowing down and moving away over time through tidal interactions with Earth.
Over the decades it has lost its negative connotations and is now taken as a necessity of survival.
Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again.
It may have been over-exposed and in some cases over-hyped, but this is a genuine scientific debate, going on now about an intriguing result.
Now the important thing about this research, in his research over the years is that it can be learned. It’s cultivated over time.
The path is straight as ever, but now it is strewn with the rocks and gravel that accumulate over a lifetime.
The palette is also movable now, allowing you to move it over to the right side of the canvas if you prefer.
They now have to decide whether neo-Calvinism is a movement they can safely ignore-or whether it may take over their church.
他们现在必须决定是否可以毫无顾虑的忽略非开尔文主义的运动- - -又或者非开尔文主义者将有可能会取代他们的教会。
Now it seems the honeymoon is over.
Nor does it mean that Iraq is now 'over.
With investors now worried about European sovereign debt and the crisis over the American debt ceiling, it is not surprising that both assets are popular again.
The factory is now operating short weeks, due to a slump in car sales. It shut down completely for four weeks over Christmas.
The factory is now operating short weeks, due to a slump in car sales. It shut down completely for four weeks over Christmas.