This doesn't mean that leaving early is always a good idea as the host may feel that the guests are not satisfied with the treat.
Judging from the teacher's sharp words, it's apparent that he is not in the least satisfied with the results of the test.
If migrants are not satisfied by that, they have choices: what meets their eye as they leave mass is a smart new Pentecostal church, with worship in Portuguese as well as English.
I hope you are satisfied, Miss Cathy, that you are not the person to benefit him; and that his condition of health is not occasioned by attachment to you.
The worst thing is that you might work extremely hard for a week on some serious photos, but if the chief's not satisfied, you do them all over again.
It's impossible to satisfy that hunger for more, because our culture is not satisfied with what we have, but is geared to wanting more.
And one might argue, if one is a cynic, but rarely satisfied, most marriage is not like that.
I don't mean if we know them personally, but if we don't know them personally, is there any way we can discover that they've ascended, or do we just have to be satisfied with not knowing?
And while it is true that getting richer will make you more satisfied with your life, it may not have the big impact we thought on enjoying life.
The insight of “power-transition theory” is that satisfied powers, such as post-war Germany and Japan, do not challenge the world order when they rise.
His feet have remained on the goal line before the kick was taken, and I'm satisfied that the glove coming off his hand is not a deliberate act to gain an unfair advantage.
People are satisfied with the status quo. Members of your team may have a compulsion to cling to our past successes, 3 or they may not even recognize that there is room for improvement.
That's one reason my love is not always happy, because just loving the other person is no guarantee that both of you can be fully satisfied with what happens to each of you.
All of this is tied to the feeling of not being satisfied, of thinking that some force is blocking the way to a goal we think we deserve.
Not satisfied with that feat, he is bidding to eat the most garlic consumed in one minute, Glenday said.
That Lao Fang which swims does not decide can leave my body, but this moment I am satisfied, is happy, is incomparably real.
There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough.
In other words, a goal is not merely a desirable result, but rather a practice that must be satisfied in order to satisfy the process area.
If you're not satisfied with your current design, start by stripping away all the unessential elements. You will find that what remains is usually quite good.
Results show that not only high static flow control accuracy is obtained, its dynamic characteristic is also being satisfied.
结果表明, 该方法在获得较高的流量控制精度的同时,具有良好的流量动态控制特性。
The reason is various, but the key aspect is that staff is not completely satisfied to the existing salary system.
In addition, be careful not to lead satisfied, is that when you leave the table was still point hungry, also want to eat, that should do it.
The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough.
This (paper) showed that an arbitrary I-semigroup is not satisfied with cancellation law and all real-bi-ideal of semigroup satisfied with cancellation law can not be I-semigroups at the same time.
本文证明了任意一个I 半群不满足消去律,而且满足消去律的半群的所有真双理想不可能同时都是群。
The results indicate that during the torridity summer natural ventilation can not satisfied the temperature requirement in greenhouse, so it is necessary to use the mechanical ventilation.
Just because she doesn't complain you should not suppose that she is satisfied.
The flow field analysis shows that the gas-liquid separating efficiency is not satisfied with the bad axial symmetry of the flow field and high gas content near the underflow outlet.
The flow field analysis shows that the gas-liquid separating efficiency is not satisfied with the bad axial symmetry of the flow field and high gas content near the underflow outlet.