Is written by is the predicate in the second statement.
is written by是第二个句子的谓语。
In verb-copying construction, the verb-complement is the predicate while the verb-noun is deverbalized to be the topic.
The cornerstone is the predicate matches, which allow for a regular expression match over an attribute (or all the attributes).
It is the predicate which first gives the subject, which till then was on its own account a bare mental representation or an empty name, its specific character and content.
Nominative is used when the noun is the subject or a predicate nominative.
The filter factor indicates how selective the predicate is.
In the first two queries, the filtering predicate is expressed on the constructed XML.
That is, the estimated percentage of rows that would qualify with this predicate is 0.0014%.
Listing 16 gives an example of a query where the optimizer is given the hint that the spatial predicate will only have very few qualifying rows.
As a slightly more sophisticated example, here is a query involving a spatial join, that is, a join where the join predicate is a spatial function.
TBSCAN (4) — Since this is the same join predicate being resolved at NLJOIN (2), and there are no additional local predicates, we can ignore this operator.
This is the same join predicate applied at FILTER(10).
和应用于FILTER(10) 的连接断言相同。
Another potential problem is the local predicate on the table reference CUST_ORDER_HEADER (COHE) in the inner sub-query (see also in Figure 9).
另一个潜在问题是内部子查询中CUST_ORDER_HEADER (COHE)表引用上的本地谓词(见图9)。
The filter factor is a number between 0 and 1 that estimates the proportion of rows in a table for which the predicate is true.
The selectivity of a predicate is defined as.
The problem is that the predicate with the fn: upper-case function prevents the use of XML indexes in DB2.
问题是如果使用包含fn:upper - case函数的谓词,就不会使用DB 2中的xml索引。
The result of this predicate is true only if the program exits with the same exit_code mentioned in the predicate.
只有在程序退出且退出码与谓词中的exit _ code相同的情况下,这个谓词的结果才是true。
Is not validated predicate returns true if the XML document is not validated against specified schema.
如果没有根据指定的模式验证XML文档,IS NOT VALIDATED谓词返回true。
The user-defined predicate is associated to the function equalString, as shown in italics in Listing 5.
用户定义谓词被关联到函数equalString,如清单 5中的斜体 部分所示。
The predicate [1] is the same as [position()=1].
谓词 [1] 与 [position()=1]相同。
To just check whether XML data is validated or not, the IS VALIDATED predicate is used.
要只检查XML数据是否经过验证,可以使用IS VALIDATED 谓词。
The is not validated predicate returns true if the XML document is not validated against specified schema or any of the registered schemas, or else it will return false.
如果还没有根据特定的模式或任何已注册模式验证了XML文档,IS NOT VALIDATED谓词将返回true,否则返回false。
The value produced by that XQuery is either the customer's name element if the predicate is true, or the empty sequence otherwise.
However, if 0 is used in the predicate, a nested-loop join would be the optimal choice instead of merge join.
In both queries, the join predicate is expressed within the square brackets.
The workflow job is started after the predicate is satisfied.
The XML index definition is equally or less restrictive than the query predicate (" containment ").
This sounds like a lot of conditions, but so far it is straightforward: using the column, the index can be found and the spatial predicate is known using the function.
This sounds like a lot of conditions, but so far it is straightforward: using the column, the index can be found and the spatial predicate is known using the function.