The dictionary said that no one knows if that is the real meaning of "tip", but it makes sense to me.
What I can say is that this is the real me.
I am an ordinary high school student, but I have a wonderful life. My friends always say I look like a gentle girl. however, my character is like a boy in fact. But I like it. This is the real me.
Wrangham invited me to his apartment at Harvard University to explain what he believes is the real secret to being human.
For me a real quality of a team is to fight for the championship.
There is a real encounter between me and the tea, and peace, happiness and joy are possible during the time I drink.
So the real enemy is inside me.
"The real" work "of prayer is to become silent and listen to the voice that says good things about me."
I thought the one with real and distinct eyes and eyebrows standing before me, is exactly my friend.
I know what the real meaning is, but I can't I challenge anyone to show me a character cuter than this one.
Maybe you think all the negative-self talk is your way of being real with yourself. Little things like: I’ll never get it done, I don’t deserve that, why would they want to help me?
"This is the real Russia," exclaimed Alexander, beating his breast. "I love this country; it is wonderful - also for me."
RoR frequently reminds me that the objective is to get real work done, real quick, for real end users.
Sewell says on its website: "the real argument about circumcision is, for me, why in our enlightened times when we get very upset about the circumcision of women, why do we go on circumcising boys?"
Then she would sit for him, tired and uncomfortable, but not alienated from the process: “it taught me that it is real work: each painting took nine months.
One Viennese admitted to me that being in a coffee house is like leaving the real world. "you close the doors and all the troubles you have are forgotten."
And my real answer is, go try it out, because obviously you can tell I frequently do this the wrong way and the TAs give me a hard time every time. John.
He told me that some of the comments implied: "Yours is not a real marriage."
On the other hand, my mom and dad are urging me to take the "real job" because, according to them, starting a business right out of school is crazy.
It took me a while to realise that the real buzz is to be felt behind the doors of several excellent downtown restaurants.
The thing that's surprising to me, watching it now, is that there are a lot of missed punches in the boxing, which is weird because when I first saw it I thought it looked so real.
But the real issue for me is, Are they going to fall in love with Apple?
I present a false self that hides the real me because the real me is unacceptable.
You see, is the most real me! A never ending move! Moved the world to have you with me this most beautiful existence!
But since I know the real answer, the statement that gloss is probably from glossary is what stood out for me.
Me: Windows Communication Framework (WCF) has some of the features of the SCA service component model, but there is no real equivalent of the SCA assembly model for the composition of applications.
Me: Windows Communication Framework (WCF) has some of the features of the SCA service component model, but there is no real equivalent of the SCA assembly model for the composition of applications.