Isotopic analysis of shells allowed geologists to measure another glacial effect.
An isotopic analysis of the grains has made that fear come true.
Being a noble gas, it resists chemical bonding with other elements and is thus easy to purify for isotopic analysis.
Then using techniques of biomarkers and isotopic analysis of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons to determine oil and gas sources and secondary changes;
As a versatile example, the feasibility of this scheme applied to lutetium isotopic analysis by Laser Resonance ionization Spectrometry (LRIMS) was discussed.
This instrument can be used for gas analysis and determine of isotopic abundance of light elements.
The portable type of isotopic radiogenic X-ray fluorescence analysis is a kind of method of instrumental analysis without the destructive effect on the samples.
This technology can provide a very low determination limit, a very wide range of dynamic linear, simple lines, less interference, high-precision and fast analysis and isotopic information, and so on.
According to the results of carbon and helium isotopic analyses and gas component analysis, it is thought that the natural gas produced in the region belongs to a typical biogenic methane gas.
The paper deals with the ore-forming material sources on basis of study on S, Pb, H, O, C and rare gas isotopic composition, fluid inclusion and comparative analysis.
The paper deals with the ore-forming material sources on basis of study on S, Pb, H, O, C and rare gas isotopic composition, fluid inclusion and comparative analysis.