I also like the Beijing press the issue date.
"Completion date issue date, date date high-ching" is the performance criteria.
Specify 600 for Amount of time before the issue date that an assertion is considered valid.
指定600为amountoftimebeforetheissue datethatanassertionisconsidered valid。
The above appointments entered into effect from the issue date. The duration for this appointment is 1 year.
The actual issue date of individual stamps will be announced closer to release Order deadlines will be 7 weeks before issue date.
Competition invitation issue Date: within 3 days of after the announcement of pre-assessment result. The Host will send invitations to selected design firms via email or fax.
I bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.
The new parking lot has issue a magnetically coded ticket, which indicates time and date of arrival.
You also provide an identifier, which is just an abbreviation of the full URI of the issue for friendly display, the creator of the issue, date submitted, brief title, and verbose description.
The Mission Management Team will meet at 9 a.m. Sunday to discuss the issue and a possible future launch date.
If you buy a bond in the secondarymarket, after the date of issue, the bond'syield, or more precisely its current yield, differs from its interest rate.
In these cases, the disclosure date may be delayed to give the other vendors time to issue their own patches.
Another issue of concern is apparent from looking at a map of confirmed cases to date.
Not only do you first need to ACTUALLY meet a woman, approach her, date her for awhile, before you even talk commitment, there is also another issue that arises.
However, every time the user asked for a system refresh by sorting her tasks by due date, for example, the portal application had to issue a new query to WPS to repopulate the task list.
不过,每次用户要求系统刷新(例如,按照结束日期对任务进行排序)时,门户应用程序必须向WPS 发送新查询,以重新填充任务列表。
To achieve peace, stability, and economic reconstruction in the Darfur region at an early date is the basic standpoint from which China deals with the Darfur issue.
W: Let me see, name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.
If the players’agent does not send a written application to resit the exam within five yearsof the date of issue of the licence, his licence shall be automaticallysuspended.
The issue of this action is the date of the contract.
When putting forth a new Renminbi issue, the People's Bank of China shall make known to the public the issuing date, face values, designs, patterns and specifications.
The easiest way around the issue of Date not roundtripping is simply to avoid it.
This isn't a major issue unless you are using dates, as ruby's date class is very slow to instantiate.
No date has been set for the talks, but the issue is expected to be on the agenda at the upcoming Arab summit in Damascus scheduled to take place at the end of March.
six months from the date of issue of a cheque for the holder against the drawer;
Their losses to date have not been replaced by new capital and it is currently not possible to issue new equity in the private markets.
After reverting to a backup in this manner, remember to issue a REFRESH cluster command on the restored queue manager to ensure that it has up-to-date information about the cluster.
After reverting to a backup in this manner, remember to issue a REFRESH cluster command on the restored queue manager to ensure that it has up-to-date information about the cluster.