Switzerland has already chosen one version of this approach by forcing its two big Banks to issue new contingent convertible (" CoCo ") bonds that turn into equity if necessary.
In America the issue is being dealt with more cautiously, partly because of intense lobbying by the venture capitalists who have a much better standing in Congress than private-equity firms do.
Its ratio of equity to tier-one capital will rise from 7% to 8.5% if the rights issue is completed.
Although Britain's investment Banks will not have to set aside more equity than their international rivals, they will also have to issue a thick layer of loss-absorbing debt.
People's view of equity and efficiency is a fundamental issue affecting economy ruled by law and legal management of modern enterprises.
Whether you like the speed or not is another issue, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?” says Wasif Latif, VP of Equity Investments for the $1.1 billion USAA Emerging Markets Fund.
至于你是否喜欢其升值速度则是另外一回事,但在这个问题上可谓见仁见智,不是吗?” 资产规模达11亿美元的USAA新兴市场基金(USAA Emerging Markets Fund)股票投资副总裁瓦斯夫·拉蒂夫(WasifLatif)如是说。
We believe that the equity structure of the enterprise system is the core issue is very complex and delicate, and must be integrated with the units and properly resolved.
The issue of climate change concerns human survival, the interests of all countries, and equity and justice in our international communities.
The basic issue for the study of public management is social equity.
As for other banking channels, the new issue of the cost of equity fund sales is the "lion's big openings," every time high.
When deciding base salary, comparison with other companies is important, since that involves the issue of external pay equity.
The issue of climate change concerns human survival, the interests of all countries and equity and justice in our international community.
Brand equity is a hot issue of the field of international marketing research, and it is also a priority research subject for the past many years that is subsidized by marketing Science Institute.
The CJV shall issue an investment certificate to each of the Parties based on the capital verification certificate, certifying the Parties' equity interests in the CJV.
When forced to raise funds externally, firms prefer to issue debt and seek to avoid issuing new shares of equity.
When forced to raise funds externally, firms prefer to issue debt and seek to avoid issuing new shares of equity.