But it all changed, three months ago.
It all changed, suddenly, in 1959, with "Woman Smiling".
We'll pick six winners to receive a signed copy of "It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure."
Though it is small, the pen has changed the history, improved the trade of countries, recorded events, carried news, and done far more work for human beings than all other tools.
For example, when participants had rated their feelings of shyness, as 2 (i.e. occasionally), it was changed to 4 (i.e. all the time).
It was not until 1920 that the US Constitution was changed to give all women voting rights.
It manages all artifacts in the development process, from design models and code to test to the artifacts that are changed because of performing these activities.
Yes, I think all that I have seen and learned in this area has profoundly changed me, as it has many others.
All the same, it has beefed up its risk management as the nature of pricing has changed.
The widget-making business process can be studied, changed, evaluated, and changed again since it is visible to all and not restricted to the chief widget-maker.
It also changed the way people of all nations thought about themselves and the planet they share. It showed that it really was possible for man to step out of this world into another.
If you have a particular entity that is frequently changed by multiple users simultaneously, by all means add it to the transaction scope.
Like many issues involving time management, procrastination is a behavioral problem, and like all such problems it can, with sufficient motivation, be changed.
Changed logging to make it clearer that all commands are send to the database in a single batch.
Sleeveless and strapless have been in trend for years but now, it is all changed, if you need to buy a wedding gown with the current trends, then don't forget to have a gown with straps and sleeves.
I think whoever did it made a very clear point, but nothing has changed. Should we vandalise all the decorations to show our sentiments?
But the moon landing was more than a win in the cold war. It also changed the way people of all nations thought about themselves and the planet they share.
The dentist came back and said funny thing; it hasn't changed at all; I'm paying exactly what I did ten years ago.
XSLT can be used to take XML of a particular structure (schema) and transform it into XML having the same structure but with some or all names changed.
But as it turned out, I changed my mind. I decided not to go after all.
But 30 years later it seems all that has changed as it is now Britain, rather than America, that finds itself on the receiving end of the ayatollahs 'ire.
In XSLT 2.0, the semantics of the XSL: value-of instruction is changed, and it returns a string value of all passed nodes-not just of the first one.
在XSLT 2.0中,修改了xsl:value - of指令的语义,并且它将返回所有已传输节点的字符串值—而不仅仅是第一个。
While on fire. ", it does have the same premise though all the character names were changed for some reason."
And if you notice the signs today, it would all be changed right after that.
If something needs to be changed in BPMN, it should be removing all execution semantics, it should be designed to let the business analyst express himself or herself.
But, through it all, the journeys changed the travellers in powerful ways.
Saunders: after you'd heard this very intimate song, when did you meet Leonard Cohen again, after you'd heard it, and how had your relationship changed, if at all?
In all these cases, it wasn't so much that the bankers had changed; the world had.
In all these cases, it wasn't so much that the bankers had changed; the world had.