So maybe it does make sense wrap up warmly before going outside.
It is said that a society's achievement is the progress of compassion, it does make sense.
And it does make sense, after all, to be able to prioritise telephony and video traffic over e-mails.
And it does make sense, after all, to be able to prioritise telephony and video traffic over emails.
For most people who aren't geeky power users, it does make sense to have a good virus scanner on their computer.
But it does make sense once you've seen list comprehensions, one of several powerful list-manipulation features in Clojure.
Fireman said workers should be careful about gossip, but that it does make sense to keep a 'temperature reading' on your boss.
So it does make sense that people would start fornicating on this island, they're all sounding desperate for a little bit of action!
So it does make sense that people would start fornicating on this island, they’re all sounding desperate for a little bit of action!
It does make sense to make a decision in your own mind about what grieving you need to do, as your life cannot meander in sorrow forever.
Likewise, it does make sense if we can give up smoking in the office because we are all responsible for protecting our working environment.
In the real world, however, we have seen frequent coding errors caused by the lack of a convenient function to cover the 80% of cases where it does make sense.
We are not talking about the cure for cancer, but it does have it within it to help us make sense of things.
Does it make sense to have this texture in my photo?
Can we start to see, as a marketer does it make sense to rather target these kinds of bloggers or that type of bloggers?
But does it make sense to treat the brics-or any other combination of emerging powers-as a block?
In general, does it make sense to have desktop applications that interact with the web?
Does it make sense for China to turn back the hands of time?
Do not fall back... It does not make sense to close your markets.
Does it actually make sense to have JJS?
Does it make sense to dissect design in this way or should we just accept the fact that everything is intertwined and come up with a reasonable way to discuss and describe it?
Now that 15% of its sales are in Asia, does it make sense to run product design and logistics just from Spain?
Therefore, it does not make sense to give a column a default sort order that makes it already sorted, in most cases.
Does it make sense to switch to a bank with a higher rate?
Due to the heavy load on the database system, it does not make sense to have several threads cleaning the process or task instances at the same time.
But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does not make sense "to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning".
In the above list of actions, for example, it does not make sense to create the minimum of five draft sketches before obtaining feedback from the product and marketing managers.
Using the example from earlier, it does not make sense to mount the engine of the bike to the frame of the bike before the pistons and carburettor are in place yet.
"Does it make sense to teach lessons about natural hazards and disaster risk in a classroom that is a liable to collapse and kill students and teachers alike?" he said.
However much countries may now regret joining the euro, leaving it does not make sense.