It is even worse when the author is dead.
For poor people more generally, it is even worse news.
Outside, it is even worse. Stink bugs have destroyed her entire grape harvest.
This is not a good place to be a pregnant woman. It is even worse to be a newborn baby.
It is even worse because there are many who rush to condemn Israel for defending itself against Iran's terror proxies.
It is even worse that the backward condition remains unchanged and all new products have to be suitable for backward situation.
Halls with circular plan or domed ceiling are apt to significant acoustic defects; and, it is even worse in hemi-spherical halls.
Last winter, unless she vacuumed them up, often several times a day, they took over the upper floors of her home. Outside, it is even worse.
If you go with the mistaken way of approaching things that have to do with emotions and with no rational idea it is even worse, so we understand the pressure is outside.
It s a pretty solid piece of kit, at 182g, and that finish is going to show fingermarks even worse than a PSP.
Worse, Select() clobbers the caller’s arguments if it times out and no socket is ready: the caller needs to make a copy of the three lists on each iteration even if nothing happens!
It is very easy to use the wrong one, or worse yet, to not even realize that they are different.
A lousy job is a lousy job, but it's even worse when you complain about it.
Even if the crisis is getting no worse, it is not over and most of the world is in recession.
But the situation is even worse than it appears.
We also throw out as much as a third of all the fats and sugars we otherwise crave, which, I suppose, keeps the obesity epidemic from being even worse than it is.
But in actuality, it is not necessary to change our feelings in order to take action. In fact, it is our efforts to change our feelings that often makes us feel even worse.
Maybe even worse than my new room's lack of personality is the lack of privacy it offers.
If GM's prospects are likely to remain clouded even if it gets the money it is asking for, Chrysler's are even worse.
Yet even if a medicine has no specific effects on an illness, this doesn't necessarily mean it is worse than nothing.
"If you have moved house, you know how much time is wasted constructing the base of the box before you can put anything in it, and it's even worse on a factory assembly line," he says.
If the concept of efficiency is worthless even for each individual, it is a fortiori in far worse straits when the economist employs it in an additive way for all of society.
We are naturally skeptical of the unknown and, of course, there is always a chance we might not be very good at it, or even worse, might look silly while trying.
I certainly have no desire to make the slump even worse than it is.
I certainly have no desire to make the slump even worse than it is.