It is in our love we are keeping between the distance.
In recent decades, our "love affair" with the car is being exported directly to the developing world, and it is increasingly apparent that this transfer is leading to disaster.
For that is our unyielding faith-that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it.
There is no burden which, if we lift it cheerfully and bear it with love in our hearts, will not become a blessing to us.
How healing it is to hold this conviction, that love will return. It is our job to recognize it in its new form.
We all have a template for the ideal partner buried somewhere in our subconscious. It is this love map that decides which person in that crowded room catches our eye.
It is not always easy to express our love directly in words.
As for our contemporary urban adolescent, it is said commonly that college students are prone to fall in love with each other, no matter what their solitary objective are.
But I just feel doubtful | whether it is the best way | to show our love | in public.
So falling in love is one of the most important(and powerful) things we do; it profoundly affects our social and genetic future.
With previous studies finding that we view our loved ones as being kinder and brainier than they actually are, it does seem that love is blind in all sorts of ways.
Everything we have has a reason behind it or is something we just really love, and I like looking at something and it reminding me of a time in our lives.
It turns out we may even be hard-wired to fall in love with people sporting DNA that is similar to our own in some ways.
Is it the day we fall in love or the day our career takes off?
There’s a love pandemic happening in our world today and it is that we are spending time with each other without fully understanding why we are getting together.
Love it or loathe it, "lol" is now a legitimate word in our lexicon, says Graeme Diamond, the OED's principal editor for new words.
People help with each other, it is the greatest thing in the world. We should give our love to people who need help.
If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Lost in the colours of our love I never forgot them, and now, lying here, where the sheets are brown with my blood, it is blue and orange and green I remember.
So this is the first question. So, is in... being in love a necessary point of our path or a process to get rid of it?
Our children need to understand that they exist to fulfill Gd's purpose in their lives, and it is only when they walk in the light of God's love and guidance that they will have meaningful lives.
We can do so many usual things to express our love! Personally speaking, in fact, cherishing our family is very easy if you want to do it!
It seems that there are more and more enticements in our life, the love is not pure any more, which is mixed with too many material factors.
In most countries, we celebrate Mothers' Day on the second Sunday in May, it is the time for us to express our love and say " Thank you" to our mums.
In most countries, we celebrate Mothers' Day on the second Sunday in May, it is the time for us to express our love and say " Thank you" to our mums.