No. People fall over all the time and it is not a particularly big deal.
If chopping up big Banks into smaller pieces is not necessarily the answer, at least regulators could make it easier to deal with disasters once they have happened.
To them, it indicates that physical attractiveness is not that big a deal and that it's easy to compensate for physical shortcomings.
A parliamentary lawmaker in Ulyanovsk named Gennady Budarin said, "Wearing jeans is not a big deal if it does no harm to work.
Tablets don't crash. Or at least when they do crash it's not a big deal. A quick restart is is all it takes to get them back on track.
No matter how you answer all these questions, telling someone you love them is a big deal. So what if you're not quite ready to say it, but you want to show it?
And it is not sustainable without some changes in large part because we had what we call a baby boom, which doesn't sound like much to Chinese — 40 million people is not a big deal, I know.
The actual installation of a wireless LAN is not such a big deal; the key lies in what you buy, and whether it is supported under a Linux system.
But I think what I really want to point out about his vote is not just how surprising it is, but that it is a very big deal.
I think if you play with this defence in another championship or even in the champions League, it is not a big deal.
When we meet obstruct, we take soft attitude and detouring this obstruct, it will force us to go more steps, but it is not a big deal anyway.
Not a big deal. Injury is part of the game. I won't pay much attention on it.
This might not seem a big deal, but it is the first time science has proved what was hitherto mere speculation: that the brain, when dreaming, behaves like the brain when awake.
It is not easy to cut deal with that big international company!
Of course not. If it is a big deal, a lot of people will do it together.
This may not seem like a big deal in a vacuum, but if you look at the territory Magic has to compete with, it is quite staggering that so many of us stick around.
It's not a big deal, it is a little heartache.
Structurally it's no big deal, because it is a mountain, it is not one of the thin and high buildings.
I think being a lefty is what you make of it, not a big deal for most.
Now when I look back on the failing exam, I think it is not a big deal.
I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal Yeah, it is. I appreciate your concern.
The key is not to make a big deal about it.
I know, I know, so it is just not a big deal.
People started using the site, but the mailing list was still the big deal then for users. In a sense, back then it was not much different than it is now.
People started using the site, but the mailing list was still the big deal then for users. In a sense, back then it was not much different than it is now.