This week it starts to sink in: you may really truly be a mother sooner rather than later.
The upshot may turn out to be the death of the 35-hour week, but it is a mightily complicated way to go about it.
On that day "Iron Man 2" is due to be released in American and Asian cinemas (it appeared a week earlier in Europe, to take advantage of the May day holiday).
The alternative course, and the one he put forward this week, is to slog it out. That may be realistic but it also suggests a siege that could outlast Troy's.
Lakewood's size may be unusual-it occupies a refurbished basketball stadium, and Pastor Joel Osteen's televised sermons are watched by 7m people each week-but its focus on the family is not.
Be that as it may, Levinovitz USES Naturopathic Medicine Week to introduce his article, and it's a mistake.
At this time we expect the Joint Venture agreement to be completed in a week or two and it may not disclose the number of people to be trained in the agreement.
The ending of this week imply that my fetus has being a term infant, it also means my baby may be born in any day around the next two weeks.
If you eat fast food once a week or more, you may be addicted 7 to it.
This may not be an accurate representation of your current file count, it is generated once a week each Sunday night.
This week it starts to sink in: you may really, truly, be a mother sooner rather than later.
"It may be today or later in the week," said one diplomat from a leading developing country.
In other areas of the world it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.
In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.
Furthermore, the 200-day sma has provided support on the last two attempts over the past week and a half, however it may be vulnerable next week as it rises to 1264 on Monday.
In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.
It may be easy to get into a debate, but you need to remember you've got planet URANUS this week and anything inexpediently could occur - so watch your words closely.
You may have the opportunity to go on a trip this week - and it may be to a far-away destination.
Date once a week — may not as often as once a week, let's say every other week or that a date can be inside your home and that you don't have to go somewhere fancy to have it, you get the idea, right?
Date once a week — may not as often as once a week, let's say every other week or that a date can be inside your home and that you don't have to go somewhere fancy to have it, you get the idea, right?