It is safe, since — as the name "single-user mode" suggests — only the superuser is able to access the system.
Use of PHP's safe mode is one technique for meeting this goal, but it can also unduly limit users, and some PHP applications simply don't function with this facility enabled.
While that process is not absolutely required, it ensures a safe mode upon the program's completion. Listing 3 shows a typical pattern for changing display modes.
In its simplest mode it ACTS as a thread-safe queue in which consumers are blocked while the queue is empty.
What do you think, do I have to go to Safe Mode and delete it.
Passenger Dedicated Line (PDL) is a fast, safe, comfortable, low power, high-capacity new mode of transport, it break the competitive pattern among traditional air, road, rail transport modes.
Therefore it is necessary to select wireless transmission mode with small volume, low power consumption and safe transfer features.
It should explore business operation mode for safe landfill site of hazardous waste, such as unitary operation mode, integrated operation mode and backing on great enterprise operation mode.
The letter of credit is a reliable and safe mode of payment in the international trade and it can protect both the seller and the buyer with the bank as a guarantee.
If this is the case, you can try deleting it in safe mode.
The orbiter is programmed to go into safe mode when it encounters an unknown event.
Hence comes the important step, ie, to install the Driver, according to the Service, it is strongly recommended to instal the WLAN Driver under Safe Mode.
In this paper, the criteria of mixed mode brittle fracture are carefully examined. It has been shown that, the circumferential strain factor criterion is rational and safe.
In this paper, the criteria of mixed mode brittle fracture are carefully examined. It has been shown that, the circumferential strain factor criterion is rational and safe.