It seems certain that our team will win the prize.
It seems certain that there will be life after Lisbon.
It seems certain that they have made a series of experiments.
It seems certain that these "Kings of the mountains" are moving.
Whatever the answer, it seems certain that an infectious agent of unusual properties has been discovered.
Either way it seems certain that these people were using quite sophisticated technology and watercraft to fish offshore.
It seems certain that libraries' e-resources budget allocations will continue to change as more and more monographs become available online.
But it seems certain that the percentage of the children of Chinese immigrants who perform academically very well at school is most impressive.
Something needs to be sorted out today, and with the current celestial atmosphere, it seems certain that this in turn will lead to changes within the relationship.
Whatever the truth, it seems certain that an assault on the red shirts’ fortified camp in the centre of Bangkok would meet similar resistance and cause more casualties.
It seems certain that regulators will force CDS to become a public market by making Banks and funds trade them on exchanges or through clearing houses, which will oversee and publish trades.
It seems that, by looking at the length of the telomeres on specific Chromosomes, we can actually predict pretty much how long certain cells can successfully go on dividing.
With the current footprint of humanity, "it seems that global collapse is certain to happen in some form, possibly within a decade, certainly within this century," Johnson said in an email.
This golf lesson got me thinking. It seems to me that there are certain fundamentals not only in golf, but in life, that we should have under control before we turn our attention to loftier ambitions.
While our understanding of how life began is incomplete, it seems clear that there are certain requirements.
For it seems as certain as anything can be that no signal-still less any material object-can ever travel faster than light.
It seems almost certain that by2001the United States will no longer be a great foodexporting nation and that,if necessity forces exports,it will be at the price of belttightening at home.
While there may be some benefits from a warmer climate, it seems almost certain that upheaval on this scale would make the United States, and the world as a whole, poorer than it would be otherwise.
It seems that Twitter and TV go together more in being able tointeract around a piece of content, not necessarily just sharing the fact thatyou indeed like a certain TV show.
"The construction of redemption sequences in life is a very common narrative strategy," he adds, "and one that seems to bring with it a certain sense of resilience."
It seems that pollination also involves certain chance factors.
Of course, it is impossible that every person from a certain country has the same personality, but it seems that people of the same nationality do sometimes share certain personality characteristics.
It seems that a certain "sugar daddy" fell in love with a gorgeous woman who worked at a restaurant and proposed to her.
Not that certain men needed telling. As old age encroached, it seems that Sylvia gave up trying to control her feisty daughter.
It seems very strange that two gases can be turned into water, but under certain conditions the fact can be plainly proved.
It seems clear that genes play a significant role in the causes of autism and that those genes are also linked to certain intellectual skills.
Now, it seems to me that - if we look at the current art scene - it is a certain kind of the so-called time based art that does reflect at the best this contemporary condition.
Now, it seems to me that - if we look at the current art scene - it is a certain kind of the so-called time based art that does reflect at the best this contemporary condition.