It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back.
It stands to reason that they'll leave if you don't pay them enough.
It stands to reason that I should accept her invitation.
If you can recognize that you're part of a larger body (however you define it), then it stands to reason that the health of the body and the health of its component parts cannot be in conflict.
Today, we discover the logical extension of this earlier research - if happiness can be contagious, it stands to reason that other moods may also be, like loneliness.
IT STANDS to reason that 19 men cannot change history. But they did.
As we explore the correlation between our diets and our longevity and health, it stands to reason that we must also explore the possible advantage of organic food.
This study did not provide a calculation for the lives saved in the non-cycling population but it stands to reason that they would also benefit from the improved air quality.
Likewise, software use cases are used to gather information about how a software application interacts with its users, so it stands to reason that the two technologies should be a natural fit.
Sam knows he has the same soul as he had last week, and it stands to reason that this is true of Gretchen too.
It only stands to reason, I think, that Milton would want to inscribe within this poem the problem posed by this extraordinarily compelling characterization of Satan.
After the boom of the energy drink industry, it stands to reason that the next beverage craze is going to be the stress relief drinks.
For a company that has demonstrated that the medium makes the message, it stands to reason that the medium will sometimes contradict the message, too.
He says that it stands to reason that old families have done their spurt of work in past days, and can't have anything left in 'em now.
It stands to reason that you should be able to persuade GNU compilers to do the trick, but I haven't tried that myself.
So if FindBugs is a bug pattern detector, it stands to reason that it can also serve as an auditing tool to measure the degree of compliance with a set of design principles.
If the law also protects housing and public accommodations, it stands to reason that you cannot be denied housing or services based on your gender presentation, unless another law conflicts.
It stands to reason that if a canal should burst, it will be where the sides are weakest.
It stands to reason that no seller is going to tell you where they get their stock; that would be like giving away the keys to their business.
It stands to reason that you take the Bus in this heavy rain.
With a combined IQ of nearly 280, they figure it stands to reason that their children will be pretty bright, too.
It stands to reason, then, that trying to improve upon perfection by adding a digit is a very bad idea indeed—your greed will be rewarded with bad luck.
I think it stands to reason to assume that this figure of Galileo is of some importance to Milton and the workings of the poem.
It stands to reason. Becuz you know that they don't anybody but ghosts use 'em.
So it stands to reason that, when creating a microcosm of everyday reality to accompany the deceased in the afterlife, wealthy Chinese often included foreigners.
It stands to reason that such information should be well guarded if any portion of it is transferred over the power line.
"It stands to reason that mutations could also interfere with genes, but our ongoing research looks to clarify the severity of DNA damage throughout the genome," said Yauk.
"It stands to reason that mutations could also interfere with genes, but our ongoing research looks to clarify the severity of DNA damage throughout the genome," said Yauk.