Join the union Guangzhou science centre "experiment and discover" the actual project of item on display, make use of design philosophy to guide to design practice.
Each page requires a series of block elements that instruct the processor where to place an item on the page and how to display it, including font and font size.
Third, they don't lend themselves to a smooth way to display more information when, for example, a user hovers over an item on the page.
You can display the Comment menu either by using the drop-down tool item on the sidebar toolbar or by using a right mouse click within the sidebar.
We use XSL: apply-templates on the results of the function, and display each software item in the template that matches on Statement, as shown in Listing 4.
如清单4所示,我们根据函数的结果使用xsl: apply -templates,并且显示模板内每个在Statement上匹配的软件项。
To top it off, these buckets each have a shiny display panel on the front that gives detailed information about any item in the bucket.
Notice that guid is on the end of the value, so showitem.php knows which item to display.
请注意,guid 位于值的最后,这样showitem.php 即可了解要显示哪个项目。
On the "hidden" menu, create a separate Category List menu Item for Collie and Beagle. Set the parameters for each of these to the desired values to control the display.
California became the first American state to require restaurants to display the calorie count of each item on the menu, starting in 2011.
A custom bar item to display on the right of the navigation bar.
Brightly-colored ornaments hang from the ceiling, and a large display case in the center of the room is scattered with old toys, making it difficult for the eye to focus on just one item.
How long with this item be on display?
How long will this item be on display?
Other projects are targeted at retail Settings where a person could scan a grocery store item and get nutritional information or display electronics store items on a counter.
If not support to check for updates function, not display the menu item named "Checks for update" on Classic GUI and on Explorer window.
A custom bar item to display on the left of the navigation bar.
In the relevant item of the program configuration you can choose whether to display a window on top of all applications.
In an instant, the item and its price appear on the cash register's display screen.
Click on any menu item, toolbar or tool palette button, to display help about that item.
Menu bar: Click on a menu item to display the menu and its commands.
Additionally, it can also display how many items of a particular size are stocked on the shelf so that shoppers can immediately pick up an item in their size.
Additionally, it can also display how many items of a particular size are stocked on the shelf so that shoppers can immediately pick up an item in their size.