Matrix iteration method can be employed to figure out the first eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix.
The key of this method is to apply the state transfer matrix between the initial state and the end state for iteration.
This paper indicated that the sequence of approximate value of eigenvalue is monotone convergent in the iteration process of matrix iteration method. And also gave examples.
Basied on the iterative method in this paper, a calculating formula of matrix iteration was derived.
Yacobi method belongs to iteration methods, and is widely used. It has simple formula, which needs only time multiplication of matrix and rector for one iteration.
The Hessian matrix of every function in this model is constant, so it will be calculated once in the entire optimal process based on interior point method, which speeds up each iteration.
The matrix method and diagonal matrix method of multi-component VLE flash are established in the paper by choosing mole Numbers as iteration variables and material balance as objective function.
In the paper, the effects of the selection of the initial vector and the controlling condition of the iterating cycles in the matrix iteration method are inquired into.
The property of convergence in iteration and the property of gradual-approach convergence are proved by matrix method.
After every error location has been found out, we calculate the syndrome values by an iteration method and reduce the orders of syndrome matrix by one.
The main advantage of the proposed method is: the iterative matrix is symmetric and positive definite at ea ch iteration.
The main advantage of the proposed method is: the iterative matrix is symmetric and positive definite at ea ch iteration.