Real time Fourier analysis is introduced on the basis of traditional Fourier analysis. APF USES a slippage iterative calculation method to suit DSP control system.
In this paper, a modified method was proposed to avoid the iterative calculation for the method of mass-exchange network with multiple impurities deficit diagram.
Secondly combining the traditional analytic method, iterative method, and GA(genetic algorithm) effectively, the calculation steps for the integrated model were given.
Iterative method is a basic method of numerical calculation, acceleration for iterate is a target.
For the online flow calculation, two-way iterative method can be simplified in some aspects, which will help increase the speed of calculating.
And a new iterative equation was well constructed through improving the existing node equation method which enhanced the astringency of calculation.
The Newton iterative method is used in the calculation of entropy density function, by which the non-convergence issue in the calculation for the vertical bearing capacity of piles is solved.
Using a moving time window in the MOT method, to eliminate the iterative calculation which has no contribution to the present time step, in this way, accelerate effect was obtained.
In this paper the improved method, also named transformation of the polar, is used to predigest the iterative calculation, and the simulation calculation has been progressed.
What's more, it solves AC equation and DC equation respectively in the process of iterative calculation, so it has the same advantages as the alternating iterative method.
The advanced first order and second moment iterative method are employed for calculation on reliability index and failure probability.
A continuous and speed change data acquisition method was suggested by iterative calculation of data acquisition time in this paper.
A simple iterative method for superimposing sets of NMR derived structures and calculation of the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the sets is described.
Calculation examples show that the advantages of this method are saving in iterative time and increasing rapidly in convergence.
Iterative calculation is avoided and the computational efficiency increased using the modified method. A hydrogen network and a water allocation network are analyzed by using the improved method.
Currently, the iterative method is used to calculate the nearest points in scanning the nearest distance, which requires a large amount of calculation.
Both the two optimization method results consistent, but the latter iterative procedure is less and simple in calculation.
By comparing the calculation result with the field measured value, effective stress iterative method is verified to be simple and practical and can be used in pile foundation design.
Design point method, in which the iterative calculation is needed to computer the reliability index, is usually used for first-order reliability analysis of slope.
As the calculation speed of the CPU is fast developed, more consideration is paid to the iterative algorithms in tomographic reconstruction, which were only experimented as a research method before.
Through designing the lens of an exhibition lamp, the calculation results of the design process based on single surface-iterative method are given.
Through designing the lens of an exhibition lamp, the calculation results of the design process based on single surface-iterative method are given.