It soon grew as an entrepot town due to its strategic location along the busy shipping routes connecting Europe to China.
With its strategic location at the crossroads of east - west trade, Venice grew into a great maritime power.
A borough of southwest England northeast of Plymouth. It has been important since Roman times because of its strategic location. Population, 99,200.
They maintain that, because of its strategic location and importance, Pakistan should have more leeway to drive counterinsurgency operations than it currently does.
It was colonized by the Italians at the end of the 19th century, seen as strategic because of its location at the mouth of the Red Sea.
As to its component, game theory comprises two parts which are non-strategic location theory and strategic location theory.
For operators to provide a service platform for mobile location positioning equipment, mobile communications equipment manufacturer has become maintain and expand its market share a strategic tool.
The research on the strategic location of Iraq and its role on the strategic board of the Middle East is of great significance to the study of the configuration evolvement in the future Middle East.
The following year, Ford moved its headquarters to New York City, a strategic location for the expanded international work.
The following year, Ford moved its headquarters to New York City, a strategic location for the expanded international work.