It differs from demasking on one hand and from the masking action defined by IUPAC on the other.
它一方面不同于掩蔽,另一方面又不同于 IUPAC定义的掩蔽作用。
Multiply unsaturated compounds are usually best named by the IUPAC nomenclature.
Ketones are named by the iupac system as derivatives of the class name for this homologous series "alkanones. ""
Unbranched hydrocarbons having one double bond are named in the IUPAC system by replacing the ending -ane of the alkane name with -ene.
在系统命名法中,直链的、有一个双键的烃可通过将其相应烷烃名字的词尾—ane改换为- ene而得。
The original IUPAC code remains useful in all its previous applications and is also compatible as a subset of the extended code proposed here.
Here I propose such an information code as a natural extension to the IUPAC nomenclature code, and present some potential USES and limitations to such a code.
Here I propose such an information code as a natural extension to the IUPAC nomenclature code, and present some potential USES and limitations to such a code.