They're living in an ivory tower.
It's up to you, to take responsibility, to bridge the Ivory tower and Main Street.
Many people think that school is an ivory tower where life is cut off from the real world.
We are going to bridge Ivory tower and Main Street, and show the science and also the danger behind that belief.
But the end result is that it makes the university into an ivory tower-i mean, incredibly so.
But some parts of the ivory tower have proved harder to occupy than others.
Success is the most desirable thing, and everyone wants it, especially for those students who just gradate from ivory tower.
Universities are an ivory tower head and shoulders above realistic life and, therefore, they should be able to guide society with a value transcending secular life.
Answering customer and employee e-mails keeps you grounded a little bit, because you’re in these meetings, and you can get a little bit in the ivory tower, and it keeps you kind of focused.
Answering customer and employee e-mails keeps you grounded a little bit, because you're in these meetings, and you can get a little bit in the ivory tower, and it keeps you kind of focused.
Yet Mr Samuelson also understood that beyond the ivory tower the conditions necessary for efficient markets rarely existed; they needed regulating.
Ivory tower assets are often provided too late to be of value to their intended audience or have far too much baggage to be of use in practice.
JSF 1 was developed in an ivory tower, and the results, arguably, were less than spectacular.
She is forced to stay in this "ivory tower" which can be explained by the lots of homework in front of her on the desk.
BDUF, in its finest straw-man form, embodies ivory-tower architects creating design artifacts, dropping them through a hole in the floor for hapless coders to implement with no changes.
BDUF 以其优秀的稻草人(straw-man)形式体现了象牙塔架构,创建设计工件,不作任何更改直接交给开发人员来进行实现。
The ivory-tower separation from the real world isn’t acceptable anymore.
这是一家研究阿耳茨海默氏病的公司,位于麻萨诸塞族的剑桥。 “与现实世界分离的象牙塔不能再被接受。”
The ivory-tower separation from the real world isn'tacceptable anymore.
这是一家研究阿耳茨海默氏病的公司,位于麻萨诸塞族的剑桥。 “与现实世界分离的象牙塔不能再被接受。”
But suddenly, big money is starting to flow into the ivory tower, as university administrators wake up to the commercial potential of academic research.
The professor has his head less in the ivory tower than one might suspect.
Now I am in the ivory tower for my further education to broad my horizon.
Zoellick announced the Bank would open the doors of its "ivory tower" and seek more collaboration and input from country clients, researchers and others outside the Bank.
Perhaps he should have stepped down from the ivory tower and addressed concrete issues.
We don't necessarily need the ivory tower and the moment of complete stillness in order to meditate about such things.
So in many respects, JSF 2 combines the best aspects of ivory tower and real world.
Today's university faculty is a diverse community of ivory tower researchers alongside inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs.
A university will never be an ivory tower of the world.
A university will never be an ivory tower of the world.