Notice that in the preceding example, the points after "r" and "J" should be left in, because the meaning of the abbreviation is not sufficiently well known to most readers.
In the mid-1940s, J. R. R. Tolkien reshaped his legendarium to contain elements of an Atlantis myth .
In his novels J. R. R. Tolkien took care to depict each of the cultures of Middle Earth in minute detail, which is what makes this world so fascinating and so real for readers.
The FDA sent a similar letter to R. J. Reynolds tobacco co., which makes various dissolvable tobacco products under the Camel brand.
More than a year later, Star Scientific won an appeal against R. J. Reynolds in the U. S. court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which sent the case back to the lower court for a trial.
The Hobbit…… J. R. R. Tolkien. The hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf and 13dwarves embark on a quest to retake the dwarven treasure in the Lonely Mountain.
Tobacco firm R. J. Reynolds made similar comments in its own letter to FDA, submitted as the agency gathers public comments ahead of drafting its tobacco regulations.
Tobacco firm R. J. Reynolds made similar comments in its own letter to FDA, submitted as the agency gathers public comments ahead of drafting its tobacco regulations.