And its success is critical to the future of Jaguar Cars.
Jaguar, for its part, seems to have rediscovered its old flair, judging by last month's sales in america-up 17.6% on January 2008, while other premium cars plunged.
Tata Motors, best known for making cars that cost only $2,000, also owns Jaguar and Land Rover, two luxury brands.
If even Jaguar can't design cars people like, what hope for the rest of Britain?
The moral, says Peter Cooke, a professor at Nottingham Business School, is that Jaguar should return to making expensive sports cars and avoid volume production.
As well as ensuring Jaguar customers own one of the most refined cars in the world, the addition of several new technology features guarantees they also own one of the safest.
To do that, Ford closed down under-performing plants, but also began to design affordable, fuel-efficient cars, and discontinued brands that were losing money, including Jaguar and Land Rover.
为此,他关闭了福特公司业绩不佳的工厂,停止生产包括捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(Land Rover)在内的令公司亏本的汽车品牌,并开始研发消费者负担得起的节能汽车。
My response was, 'When Jaguar learns once more how to design cars, it may get my attention.
Jaguar has been producing luxury cars for over 75 years.
Maybe carmakers should start making the tools necessary to break their cars open in an accident. The Jaguar Jaws of Life, anyone?
Carl-Peter Forster, chief executive of Tata Motors, which owns the upmarket Jaguar and Land Rover brands, reckons that within ten years up to 80% of premium cars will be powered by hybrid engines.
塔塔汽车(名下设有高级品牌捷豹和兰德路华)的首席执止官Carl - PeterForster,指出十年内80%的高档车将用混合动力来驱动。
Carl-Peter Forster, chief executive of Tata Motors, which owns the upmarket Jaguar and Land Rover brands, reckons that within ten years up to 80% of premium cars will be powered by hybrid engines.
塔塔汽车(名下设有高级品牌捷豹和兰德路华)的首席执止官Carl - PeterForster,指出十年内80%的高档车将用混合动力来驱动。